To Do List, Tasks & Notebooks

To Do List, Tasks & Notebooks

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To Do List, Tasks & Notebooks 介绍

To Do List, Tasks & Notebooks

When.Do is a simple and easy to use To Do List app that can sync with Google to fetch and manage your Google Tasks. If you don't want to use a Google Account, the app is still fully functional, with all your data stored only locally. If using a Google Account, the app works seamlessly even without an internet connection. When.Do will make sure your data is synced with the Google servers when the internet is available, without hindering your workflow. It also offers a unique feature that is not offered by other similar apps, and that is the ability to organize your Tasks/To Do Lists into Notebooks. It has all the basic features you need to boost your productivity, and make your life easier and organized. And best of all, there are no ads in the app.*Features*- Create Tasks, To Do lists and Notebooks.- Organize and order your Tasks and To Do lists by simply dragging-dropping in edit mode.- Move Tasks across lists and lists across Notebooks.- Color code your Task lists.- Set due date reminder for your Tasks, and set recurring Tasks.- Sort Tasks by order, due date, completed status or urgency tag.- Indent Tasks to create sub-tasks.- Scroll main view horizontally to switch between Task lists.- Scroll Task view horizontally to switch between Tasks.- Swap Notebooks on the click of a button.- Search Tasks feature available.- Light and Dark themes available.- Add multiple Google Accounts, and switch between them with the click of a button.- Bidirectional synchronization with Google Tasks.- Ability to save offline changes, that are synced to the Google servers when internet is available, without hindering your workflow.- Seamless syncing. You don't have to wait for the sync to finish. Just open the app and start adding tasks.- Local mode that does not require a Google Account, and an internet connection.- Mark Tasks as completed from the Notifications without the need to open the app.- Choose notification sounds and vibrate option.*Coming Soon*- Lock protection of app, requiring pin code.- Customisable widget.*Limitations*- Move to SD card is not allowed because it can cause Widgets and Reminders to malfunction in certain situations.- In Android 6 (Marshmallow) and above versions, battery optimizations on some devices can block Reminder notifications. Please add When.Do to the exception list of your battery manager.Icons are provided by icons8:

来自应用汇: To Do List, Tasks & Notebooks //

To Do List, Tasks & Notebooks 版本更新

- Checked items in widget are now grayed out.
- Added a prompt for confirmation for "Uncheck all completed tasks".
- Allowed indentation even when completed tasks are hidden.
- 'All Tasks' sorted by Order now has Indent In/Out, drag sorting and Uncheck Completed Tasks options.

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  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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