Cargo Drive - Truck Delivery Simulator

Cargo Drive - Truck Delivery Simulator

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Cargo Drive - Truck Delivery Simulator 介绍

Cargo Drive - Truck Delivery Simulator

Cargo Drive: the most realistic cargo delivery simulation for mobile featuring an amazing 3d open world driving experience. Drive the truck through large forest environment, deliver cargo, earn cash and tune up the truck.Game features:- Open world- Stunning 3D graphics- Realistic truck physics- Many challenging missions- Multiple control types- Truck upgrades- Smooth gameplayCargo Drive gameplay.In this truck delivery simulator play as a driver at the warehouse. Explore a large open world forest and deliver cargo to the destination. Use the navigation to find the shortest route to the unload areas. As missions become harder visitthe garage to upgrade the truck, increase the engine power and purchase better off-road tires to drive faster and deliver the cargo in time.Got tired for watching not to loose the cargo during the drive? Cargo Drive offers several free drive missions without any cargo at all. Enjoy a fast rally style racing with a heavy truck on dirty roads without any limitations.

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Cargo Drive - Truck Delivery Simulator 版本更新

New levels.

New truck.

More truck upgrades.

Earn game money by playing already completed levels.

Added leaderboards and achievements.

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