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Darkzone 介绍


Operation New Earth is an intense sci fi MMO strategy action game in which you must command an advanced military facility to defend Earth from a hostile space alien invasion! Create an alliance, gather resources, and unlock robotized technology to level up your stronghold - your only protection against the invaders who are laying waste to the planet!Prepare to defend yourself and your allies against other surviving human factions in the struggle for territory and dominance over what remains of our world - and battle for Neutronium, a powerful alien element like no other, brought to Earth by a meteorite shower from outer space. Seek it out to enhance your armies and advance your technology to become the most formidable cyber force that humanity has ever seen.Commander, it’s time to mobilize! Retake and defend this New Earth and let no enemy, alien or human, stand in your way!- Join players from around the world in the massive battle to take back planet Earth.- Build and upgrade your facility unlocking new technologies, structures, machinery and dropships to become a juggernaut of power.- Train an army of varied and specialized cyber unit types including hi-tech infantry and cutting-edge artificially intelligent war machines.- Build robotic outposts in the world to defend your supply lines and harvest Neutronium.- Train an elite Hero unit for incredible advantages and bonuses, while attempting to capture and defeat enemy players’ Heroes in battle.- Raid, destroy, or capture enemy Heroes - choose your strategy to direct your troops in battle!- Assemble an Alliance and build a powerful network of territory; increase your defenses, gain great advantage over key resources and objectives, and strategize to terminate the opposition to your New Earth in a single stealth mobile strike!Without powerful allies like you, humanity will surely fall. It’s no longer fiction Commander, you must join the fight now - or face extinction at the hands of your enemies!

来自应用汇: Darkzone //www.stclairws.com/app/com.wgcells.darkzone?from=spi-desc

Darkzone 版本更新

Complete 8 new daily trials each day to gain bonus shards!

Alliances can now request Core Upgrade and Crafting Components.

Heroes max level increased to 80.

Units now sorted consistently on the Deployment panel.

Added a new toast when requesting help on Structure and Research timers.

Fixed stat bonuses not being displayed correctly for specialized units.

用户对 Darkzone 的评论

  • YYH11312009827 2019-06-14


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Tilting Point

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