HTML Editor and Viewer

HTML Editor and Viewer

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HTML Editor and Viewer 介绍

HTML Editor and Viewer

The HTML Editor and Viewer app makes it easy to write, test, and view HTML, CSS, and Javascript code on Android mobile phones and tablets!> Simplicity meets efficiencyOur HTML Editor app was created with user experience in mind. To write HTML code, simply visit the Write page and code away. Once you are finished, visit the View page to take a look at your hard work! > Continuous code completionThis brand new feature brings the simplicity and usefulness of code completion to your fingertips. While typing opening HTML tags, you can now select from the extensive list of HTML tag options. > Pick up where you left offNever worry about losing your code again. Our app's save functionality makes it easy to save and load HTML code from previous sessions, so you never lose your hard work. > Quick tag for quick typingWith our brand new quick tag feature, you now have the option of inserting common HTML characters into your code at the tap of a finger.> Simple design for big ideasOur material design app makes writing and viewing HTML and CSS code better than ever. The unobtrusive design allows for full immersion when both writing and inspecting HTML and CSS code, so that you can worry less about using the app and focus more on writing your program!> Customizable codingOur newly introduced feature allows you customize the appearance of the HTML coding page to tailor to your preferences! You can choose between 6 different fonts, unlimited font sizes, and a day and night theme.> Easy export for code implementationReady to export and test out your code on a computer or another device? Simply press the export button, name your file, and it will appear in your device's external memory. Created by and designed for web editors, including html editing, css editing, javascript editing, and web development.

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