Empire: Origin

Empire: Origin

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Empire: Origin 介绍

Empire: Origin

Welcome to the Beta Test of Empire: Origin!

The war rage among the empire, no peace remain for any towns.
Residents run and hide, try to find that one rare peaceful moment in this chaos.

While you decided face the reality and protect your home world. You gathered people, lead them, guide them to produce again, train them into armies, and protect them from the invasion of rebels.

While you need to make the final decision, stay where you've achieved, or claim greater glories!

Build Your Ideal City
You will construct a perfect city with your people. It has flourished land, abundant mineral. Production keep coming, and your army remain sharpened. Your allied city stand together with you, guarding your land and defeating all who would dare to invade.

Develop Your Population
Production: You only need to arrange the work to the right person of your people, they will produce endless resources for the development of your city.

Development: You don't need to gather the resources day and night and wait for an never ending time for your city to upgrade. All upgrading will be done once you have enough Population!

Research: When you have set up the College in your City, you could arrange the residents with the greatest brain into it. They will keep providing you the research points, and help you develop your science and technology, which will greatly boost your production and your fighting ability!

Military: Equip and train your people, lead them to the glories!

A Wide World
You could dispel the longing Empire Rebels, and make allies to develop together. You could also attack the hostile cities. If you want more, you could gather your allies to take down the Empire to claim more lands or even to be the next King!

来自应用汇: Empire: Origin //www.stclairws.com/app/com.y.empireorigin.gp?from=spi-desc

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  • la28 2019-06-16

    (。◝ᴗ◜。) 榴铭

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Empire: Origin 信息









  • 获取网络状态
  • 获取WiFi状态
  • 访问账户Gmail列表
  • 获取任务信息
  • 访问网络
  • 读取电话状态
  • 开机自动允许
  • 使用证书
  • 使用振动
  • 唤醒锁定
  • 写入外部存储
  • 读写系统设置



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