Great home cooking of the hag

Great home cooking of the hag

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Great home cooking of the hag 介绍

Great home cooking of the hag

Action development game.A long-awaited first child was born between a million years old old man and hag!However, the world was dominated by aliens and it has degenerated to rough design due to lack of nutrition.In order to revive my child hag a cooking"hag's full course baby food version"There is no choice but to complete.The ingredients are rare parts of the meat of aliens. The Battle of hag a begins now.■ The action that is refreshing just to tap itBy finger one operation of the monsterIt is gone on the rampage by a large crowd partner.■ hag become gigantic, transform into a big babyThe first Hag in the series giant. Overruling aliens and huge bossYou can enjoy a battle of grabbing. Let 's decide Favorite hold.■ Abundant mini-gameGold necessary all the timeIt is equipped with the mini-game which can make money in を Highway.Even as for the busy businessmanThe illegally parked function of the relief is equipped, too.■ First in the series, baby appearsA baby that is too weak to degenerate to a rough design.However, it will evolve steadily with Hag's cooking. Let's enjoy our child's growth.■ Collect treasure!By menu completion treasureOf a meeting, an old man and the hagI can enjoy reaction.■ Series for the first time multi-endingIn the choice of the event endingChange. Let's confirm all ending.

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