Zombie Hunter: Shooter

Zombie Hunter: Shooter

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Zombie Hunter: Shooter 介绍

Zombie Hunter: Shooter

Metal slug inspired Zombie rampage platformer featuring action-packed arcade style gameplay, epic BOSS battles, sick weapons and oh, did we mention... there is a girl?Game Features- Dope arsenal of weapons to upgrade and choose from. Why stick with a pistol when you’ve got a flamethrower?!- More levels than wrinkles on your grandpa’s face. Talk about some good content.- A plane full of snakes sounds pretty ridiculous, but here you have a laboratory of nurses stabbing with their tongues, egg-dropping zombie birds, and knife wielding blood thirsty butchers to name a few. In case that isn’t enough, good luck with those 8 bosses.- And if you’re one of those “go-getters,” we have that late night lovin’ you be lookin’ for with missions, achievements, and leaderboards galore.Blast these zombies back to the deep depths of hell and save the human race as we know it. The ladies will love you forever, but heck, you’re just doing it cuz you need to kick your Saturday morning hangover. Yeah, you have that cool looking suit, but that’s just because there was a sale at the local thrift shop. The guns are just a perk of the job. And OH, did we mention wolverine blades and deadly grenades... things are gettin’ interesting. If you’re looking for a traditional, run of the mill zombie shooter, then this ain’t your game, but if you want a retro-styled, zombie-crushin’ experience, look no further. The guns… plentiful, the gore… gratuitous… need we say more? You are going to love this game.

来自应用汇: Zombie Hunter: Shooter //www.stclairws.com/app/com.yodo1.zombiehunterkkfree?from=spi-desc

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  • la28 2019-06-10

    刘明 ~\(≧▽≦)/~

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