Amazing Roller Coaster HD 2017

Amazing Roller Coaster HD 2017

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Amazing Roller Coaster HD 2017 介绍

Amazing Roller Coaster HD 2017

Enjoy amusement drives and rides with New Yark rush rollercoaster game 3d. Turn briefly your upside down in specialized railroad system.This rollercoaster consist of a track that rises in design patterns and vertical loops. Zealous game shuttle coaster have multiple cars in wich passengers sit and are restrained. Incorporated loops, corkscrew and many other maneuvers in 3d railcar. Most modern roller coasters hybrids of steel and wood. Swings and twins makes the drives adventurous. Railroad lovers of advanced countries become ready to drive the fastest freaky roller coasters. To enhance the experience of riders it involves removing the floor beneath passengers riding above the track with floorless rollercoaster.Enjoy the real fun of water park roller coaster . Get the twists of lovely coasters in American fairs and pleasure gardens. See American Coney island in beautiful water rollercoaster 3d game. Get the rides of space rollercoaster with Californian tomorrowland animations. Drive the passion of thrilling games, run space coasters in ghost galaxy event.Enjoy the best Japanese jet coaster rides in popular amusement parks. The 4th dimension rollercoaster game is endless entertainment. Take the right rides of following typs of roller coasters:> Space roller coaster.> Dive roller coaster.> Floorless roller coaster.> Flying roller coaster.> Mine train roller coaster.> Pipeline roller coaster Spinning roller coaster.> Steeplechase roller coaster.> Shuttle roller coaster.Terrain roller coaster and Twister roller coaster. Enjoy all the fun with American Mountain . Zoom out the real beauty of hills, snow falling while riding on the top listed roller coasters.Get in pictures of crazy rollercoaster driving simulation game.REAL GAME PHYSICS: -The potential energy accumulated by the rise in height is transferred to kinetic energy as the cars race down the first downward slope. Kinetic energy is then converted back into potential energy as the train moves up again to second peak. You see first hill high and decreasing trend after that because there is lost of mechanical energy due to friction. >All real features of rollercoaster are animated in this driving and riding simulator game.>Stunning gameplay controls, sounds, rolling skies and ultra 3d graphics .GAME MODES;- Rainy, Thundring and Lightning.- Snow Falling.- Day and Night.- Hills and Theme Parks.- Greenland and water park.- Jurrasic animal zoo.GAMEPLAY STRATEGY :>Scroll up or down the lever to run and stop the coasters. >Drive under the speed limits. >Zoom in/ out using cameras. Drive the endless fun & ride fearlessly :-P

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Amazing Roller Coaster HD 2017 版本更新

Camera Effects Added

New Roller Coasters

Game Size Reduced

Minor Bugs Fixed

In-app added

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