Craig's WiFi ADB Root

Craig's WiFi ADB Root

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Craig's WiFi ADB Root 介绍

Craig's WiFi ADB Root

Basically, this is for geeks and developers, I'll touch up the interface at a later date, make it look pretty etcHow to use? (Are you a Developer or Geek?... if not, keep on moving)Still here?Run the app, then copy across the Windows Client which can be found on your internal memory on your phone, once the app has run...intsd/craigs/adbclient.exe (not your memory card if you have one, the phones internal memory)copy it across via usb/wifi and simply run when required, or feel free to stick it the startup folder (but only do this on a closed network password protected, developing on an open wifi network is a no no)Step 1. Run the Windows client adbclient.exe Step 2. Enable (ROOT) Adb Wifi from OFF to OnStep 3. Click on Start ADB buttonGet Developing!(Known Bug)STOP ADB - will stop ALL phones/tablets/devices currently connected, i'll sort that out later but not that important right now, so it's better to stop each device from within Android Studio/ADB console.Obviously if this app fails, email me and see what we can do! Full Source Code Released for windows client/server side! Delphi 5! you're not rooted or a geek or a developer - move away from the screen!

来自应用汇: Craig's WiFi ADB Root //

Craig's WiFi ADB Root 版本更新

Basically, this is for geeks and developers, I'll touch up the interface at a later date, make it look pretty etc

How to use...

Run the android app, then copy across the Windows Client which can be found on your internal memory on your phone, once the app has run...

intsd/craigs/adbclient.exe (not your memory card if you have one, the phones internal memory)

Run the Android app....

Step 1. Run the Windows client adbclient.exe (copy first)
Step 2. Enable (Root) Adb Wifi from OFF to On (on the android app)
Step 3. Click on Start ADB button (from the android app)

*****updating adbclient.exe if you have an old version.... DELETE adbclient.exe and re-run the the ADB App in android, it will then extraxt adbclient.exe again to the folder so you can copy it via wifi es explorer or usb cable like the first time********

(only if you don't have the new version)

copy it across via usb/wifi and simply run when required, or feel free to stick it the startup folder (but only do this on a closed network password protected, developing on an open wifi network is a no no)

Get Developing!

(Known Bug)
STOP ADB - will stop ALL phones/tablets/devices currently connected, i'll sort that out later but not that important right now, so it's better to stop each device from within Android Studio/ADB console.

Obviously if this app fails, email me and see what we can do!

Full Source Code Released for windows client/server side! Delphi 5!

if you're not rooted or a geek or a developer - move away from the screen!

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