Fake Camera

Fake Camera

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Fake Camera 介绍

Fake Camera

Fake Camera allows you to pick a photo from your gallery instead of taking picture with your camera.

It's useful, when some application (good example is Gowalla) wants to take a photo, but you already have better photo and just want to add this existing one.

How to use: you'll not see this app among other applications, but when some application opens 'Camera picker', you'll see Fake Camera there, so you can use it instead of your favourite camera application.

Using permission 'write external storage', because some applications need to put content into file.

Note this is just a beta version, so please email me with any problems or not working applications, or put a line in discussion on this application site at http://goo.gl/uAEJs

来自应用汇: Fake Camera //www.stclairws.com/app/cz.shmoula.android.fakecamera?from=spi-desc

Fake Camera 版本更新

*** KIK users check this post: http://bit.ly/120uQOb ***
* Added possibility to send error back to developer for analysis.
* Added simple tutorial about using FakeCamera, because many people does not read app description and rate with one star, so sorry for application size increase.

用户对 Fake Camera 的评论

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  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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