Bluetooth Headset Battery

Bluetooth Headset Battery

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Bluetooth Headset Battery 介绍

Bluetooth Headset Battery

Never be surprised by an empty battery on your bluetooth headset again.

Bluetooth Headset Battery Widget is a revolutionary new way to measure how much battery is left on you Bluetooth remote device. The battery widget works with all Bluetooth devices that can be paired with Android. You can use it with Bluetooth headsets and Bluetooth headphones.

Your headset has no battery indicator? This can be fixed! Bluetooth Headset Battery Widget measures how long a Bluetooth device (e.g. a headset or headphones) has been connected. If you configure the maximum running time of the headset battery, the widget can tell you how much battery time your headset has left. You can also see how long your headset or headphone has been running without a recharge.
Bluetooth Headset Widget Features
- Measures the connection time of a Bluetooth device (headset/headphone)
- Tells you how much battery time is left until you need a recharge
- Automatically stops the counter when the Bluetooth device disconnects
- Can display a warning notification to remind you to connect the power to the headset battery
- Can display a small battery power indicator in the notification bar, similar to your phones battery display. In this way you will never miss an empty battery on your Bluetooth headset
- Can monitor multiple Bluetooth devices simultaneously. Just add several instances of the widget to your home screen and select a different Bluetooth device.
- Successfully tested with a broad range of headsets and headphones

来自应用汇: Bluetooth Headset Battery //

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