Floating Stopwatch

Floating Stopwatch

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Floating Stopwatch 介绍

Floating Stopwatch

Floating Stopwatch will float over all your running apps. No mater if you play a game or watch a video. You don't have to switch to and from the stopwatch app. Floating Stopwatch will will run on top of all other apps on your Android device.You can resize or move the floating stopwatch to place it all over your screen. You can select your own style including size, color and transparency.Please rate my app if you like it ....How to use:To launch/exit the stopwatch use the main applicationTo change size, color or opacity use the main applicationTo start/pause a lauched stopwatch press the timer To reset the timer doubliclick the timerV 2.0 - Quit Stopwatch via notification bar. You dont need to open the app to quit the stopwatch.- Keep screen on option - Change text color of the floating stopwatch- Bug fix for probloms in some time zones- Hide/Show milliseconds/hours option- Smaller font for milliseconds- Refactoring of the main screen - New color picker dialogV1.1.2- Performance improvements- Bugfix: Start Time 00:00:00:00 on some devicesV 1.1- Resize Slider at bottom for easier access with running "BIG" Stopwatch- Bug: Timer problem with running timer and start button- White font color and black outline for more contrast on any background- Minor layout changes for small dimensions- Buttons with more distinctive labelsV 1.0- Floating Stopwatch initial release

来自应用汇: Floating Stopwatch //www.stclairws.com/app/de.jentsch.floatingstopwatch?from=spi-desc

Floating Stopwatch 版本更新

- Android M permissions
- New icon
- Inc. default size

用户对 Floating Stopwatch 的评论

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Floating Stopwatch 信息







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