Smart Home

Smart Home

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Smart Home 介绍

Smart Home

Dear Telekom Customers
make yourself homey, sit back and enjoy the comfort of your home. With Smart Home by Telekom you control heating, lights and electrical devices conveniently from your couch.
The Smart Home app on your smartphone or tablet is the central control unit that allows you to have everything under control at any time, whether you are at home or on the road.

Please note:
In order to use this app you need the Smart Home basic set which includes the QIVICON home base and the Smart Home service. Compatible Smart Home devices are available in Telekom shops in Germany and online (

Get the Smart Home app for more safety and comfort in your home or in your office – and receive a lasting reduction of your energy costs.
The benefits of Smart Home by Telekom:
- Cold bathroom after getting up? That was yesterday - with Smart Home by Telekom you always have your comfort temperature at the right time. Just schedule in the app when the heating has to reach that temperature - anytime, anywhere.
- You are still on the road and want to heat up your living room prior to arrival? No problem with Smart Home.
- Even on vacation you can control your home: the security solution implemented will raise alarms, record intruders with a camera and simulate your presence to deter burglars.
- By the way, Smart Home is also ideal for business customers: Save energy costs with intelligent heating control. Set within the app when the office areas have to be heated, e.g. based on office and opening times.
- Smart Home is based on QIVICON, the universal platform for a complete, cross-vendor and easy-to-use home automation solution.
- The functionality of the Smart Home app and the range of compatible devices is continuously growing.

- The app has a preview that explains the important features and settings.

With the purchase of a Smart Home basic set you can use the full range of functions including the Smart Home service for 24 months.

For more informati

来自应用汇: Smart Home //

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Fehlerbehebung bei Kamera Aufnahmen

Fehlerbehebung bei Push-Nachrichten

Fehlerbehebung bei der automatischen Erkennung von neuen Geräten

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