Video & TV Cast |

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Video & TV Cast |

Upgrade your LG TV (webOS or Netcast LG Smart TV) to watch web-videos, online-movies, livestreams and live-tv shows directly on your biggest screen with the no#1 web video caster. No additional streaming box required. Mp4, m3u8, hls livestreams, video over https and of course Full HD are supported.>>> MIRACAST vs. VIDEO & TV CASTIf you think Miracast screen mirroring works better for video casting, please consider the advantages of Video & TV Cast:MULTI-TASKING: You can close the app while casting! Your phone can even be shut down. So don't worry, get your beer from the fridge while leaving your phone in your pocket. Or make a phone call, text message or prepare the next video in the browser while casting.FULL HD: Casting in Full HD is possible even on Android devices with low screen resolution. Miracast is restricted to the resolution of your Android device.LESS wifi-USAGE: Because with Video & TV Cast only the LG TV loads the video during casting. When using Miracast all videos are routed through your phone.DEVICE SUPPORT: Video & TV Cast works on all devices running Android 2.3 or higher. Miracast does not.>>> IMPORTANT NOTES FOR APP USAGE, PLEASE READWith Video & TV Cast you can browse through the web and stream any web-video, online-movie, livestream or live-tv show you want on your LG Smart TV. Mp4, m3u8 and other video formats are supported, of course in full hd. Just navigate to your favorite website and send the embedded video with a single tap to your LG TV. The discovered video will be shown below the browser. A tap on the video link will send it to your LG immediately. * To enable video casting please open the LG App Store (LG Smart World / LG Content Store) on your TV, browse to the entertainment category and install the free 'TV Cast' receiver app.* Please enter the ip-address of your Android device by using the number pad and up/down/left/right keys on your TV Remote or scroll wheel on your Magic Remote.* NOT SUPPORTED Videos: Third party apps, Flash video, Google Play movies, Netflix, Amazon and HBO and other DRM protected videos web-videos, online-movies, livestreams and live-tv shows.* Please test your websites and videos in the free edition! If casting fails, upgrading will NOT make it work magically.* To play mp4, m3u8 or other videofiles directly on LG just paste the full video-url in the browser address bar.* Sometimes it is necessary to play the video on your Android device before the videolink gets detected.* For Android 5.0 or newer: Please install the latest official Google WebView Update from the Play Store:* If the connection does not work, please try to restart your Android device, LG television and wifi router.* If a specific web-video, online-movie, livestream or live-tv show does not cast, please check our FAQ or get support via Twitter @videotvcast or by Email to [email protected]/* */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* */ We will help you as soon as possible. Leaving negative Play Store reviews without any information about your issue will not give us a chance to help you.>>> QUICK START GUIDE FOR CASTING VIDEOS1) Download the LG Smart TV app "TV Cast" on your TV. You can find it in the LG App Store (Smart World / LG Content Store) either in the entertaiment category or by searching for "TV Cast".2) Open Video & TV Cast on your Android device, tap on the connect button and get your ip address.3) Enter the ip address of your Android device in the TV app.4) Start casting by pressing "tap here to cast".5) Enjoy your web-video, online-movie, livestream or live-tv show and share our app on Twitter or Facebook :)Disclaimer: This app is not affiliated with LG Electronics or any other trademark mentioned here.

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LG Smart TV







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