NEJM Knowledge+ FM Review

NEJM Knowledge+ FM Review

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NEJM Knowledge+ FM Review 介绍

NEJM Knowledge+ FM Review

NEJM Knowledge+ Family Medicine Board Review, a unique adaptive learning program for family medicine physicians, residents, PAs, and other healthcare professionals, is designed to fit your busy schedule and help you improve your practice by assessing and enhancing both your knowledge and your self-awareness. Packed with clinically relevant, rigorously edited gold-standard content, NEJM Knowledge+ is the most efficient, engaging, and effective way to enhance your patient care, prepare for your board exams with confidence, and earn your required Prescribed and CME credits for maintenance of certification.This app is a complement to the online version of NEJM Knowledge+ Family Medicine Board Review. Customers can use this app to log into their personal account for the length of their purchase term. The experience on the Android tablets mirrors the full functionality of the desktop. The experience on Android phones is optimized for the small screen and contains all of the adaptive learning questions and the Recharge feature that helps you retain what you’ve learned.NEJM Knowledge+ is the only lifelong learning and board review product that uses state-of-the-art adaptive learning technology to continuously assess the subjects you know and identify the areas where you need reinforcement. It then delivers questions based on what you know already, what you need to study more, what you are struggling to master, what you think you know better than you do, and what you might be forgetting.From the brand you trust, we've developed and reviewed our study material to ensure it meets our exacting standards and your expectations. The question bank and exams correspond to the ABFM and NCCPA exam blueprints while reflecting the real-world challenges you face in your practice.NEJM Knowledge+ Family Medicine Board Review includes:• More than 1,500 highly relevant, case-based, multiple-choice questions,• Two (2) timed practice exams,• Personalized reporting on your progress and performance,• The ability to earn up to 250 AMA PRA Category 1 Credits™, up to 250 AAFP Prescribed credits, and up to 20 AAPA Category 1 Self-Assessment CME credits.NEJM Knowledge+ is produced by NEJM Group, a division of the Massachusetts Medical Society. © 2016 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.Visit to learn more or contact us at

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