Age of Phoenix: Wind of war

Age of Phoenix: Wind of war

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Age of Phoenix: Wind of war 介绍

Age of Phoenix: Wind of war

You are the ruler of a city built on the ruins of Azenor, the first empire of men. The world is torn by wars and riots, ambitious commanders are trying to claim divided lands, and forests are swarming with orcish hordes threatening every living creature. Yet, a strong leader will be capable of building a better world with new order!You will found and expand your kingdom by developing your city and army, researching new technologies, and forging allies. How will the world remember you? Will you become a wise ruler who unites lost lands and guides millions of people? Or will you be known as a fierce conqueror whose name puts fear into the hearts of your enemies? One thing is clear: the world where winds of war are blowing needs you!- Build a formidable fortress to ensure the safety of your people- Create a huge army and become a force to be reckoned with!- Tame wondrous beasts and descend upon your enemies like a hurricane!- Launch victorious military campaigns and receive various rewards- Develop science and crafts to make your city prosper- Create equipment and combine it into unique sets for your Hero- Join Alliances or create one of your own to perform joint attacks on your enemies and trade resources with your allies- Become the most influential ruler by increasing your power and experience with every action!

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Action and adventure
Action and adventure
Action and adventure

Action and adventure


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