Food PaPa Order Taking App

Food PaPa Order Taking App

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Food PaPa Order Taking App 介绍

Food PaPa Order Taking App

Food PaPa lets you search for and discover restaurants to eat out at or order in from. Browse through restaurant menus, photos, user reviews and ratings to decide where you want to eat, and use the map feature to guide you there.If you are in Ramnagar, you can also order food online for delivery, with number of great food delivery restaurants to choose from.Features:* Search easily for Restaurants, Cafes, Pubs and Bars by location, cuisine (e.g. Chinese, Italian, Indian), name (e.g. Kundans, Pizza Bite, Honey Hut).* Explore every restaurant in your city, including the ones near your current location, and use search filters to find the one that suits you best.* View menus, pictures, phone numbers, directions, user reviews, and all the other information you need to choose a restaurant for Dine Out, Food Delivery, Nightlife, or Takeaway.* Browse our theme-based curated lists to discover places for the best burgers, perfect date spots, or the top trending restaurants.* Create your own Collections and share them with your friends and followers.* Rate and review restaurants you've been to, and share photos of your foodie moments directly from the app.* Maintain an easy reference list of your favorites or places you want to visit with Bookmarks.* Use the map view to explore restaurants around you, or draw a circle to search in a specific area.* Find and follow your friends to see where they're eating and what they like.* Journal the restaurants you eat at using your Dineline.* Restaurant is currently available in Ramnagar.

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