My Computer File Explorer

My Computer File Explorer

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My Computer File Explorer 介绍

My Computer File Explorer

My Computer Mobile File Explorer App has amazing feature like browse, cut, copy, paste, delete, send files. The File manger while browsing feels like your computer file explorer. You have an option for application manager and you can launch from this explorer, App search feature is there and also one touch to take all apps backup to the mobile.Computer is a free, full-featured file explorer.It provides access to pictures, music, video, documents, and other files on both your Android devices and your computers.Features:-> Quick to open Music, Picture, Videos, Documents, Download files by folder wise.-> Application Launcher with search fields.-> Net Work information from this app.-> Set different type of themes for "My Computer Mobile Explorer" with different type of text colors.-> Create New Folder/Directory, Search file option for your files.-> Display Memory Space, available Space and also Shows number of files & folders including date of created folder.-> Different type of explorer view like Tiles, Thumbs, List like desktop folder view. -> Cut, Copy, Paste, and Delete files.-> Access to show hidden file explorer for this need to enable "Show Hidden Files/Folder". Find this on menu and settings button.->Different types of sorting for files browse. Find this on menu and settings button.-> File explorer: manage your documents like you do on your desktop or laptop. -> Access your home PC shared documents on network.-> Functions as your FTP or SFTP client for internet connections.-> Application manager: switching to other programs, uninstall or view any app's system management page. Launched applications are also in the taskbar.-> Built-in media viewer and player for various media format, including photos, music, and videos.-> Thumbnails for APKs and images.-> Built-in ZIP support allows you to decompress or extract ZIP files.-> Kill running tasks, increase memory and speed up your device.-> Supports tabs and side-by-side windows, so you can open multiple folders at the same time.-> Easy to access OTG devices through this OTG File Explorer application.-> Computer File Explorer for android allows you to open and copy files from any USB mass storage device with a FAT32 or NTFS file system using the USB OTG port of your device, tablet or phone.With a FAT32 file system, you can copy files to any USB mass storage device and manage your files on it (edit filenames, add directories, delete files) So many feature are please find while using this mobile explorer.Please write us your suggestions and feedback to make this app wonderful. We appreciate your suggestions & feedback. We will consider them for future update.Thank you using this application. Thank you.

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  • 获取网络状态
  • 获取WiFi状态
  • 访问网络
  • 开机自动允许
  • 使用振动
  • 写入外部存储
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  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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