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Memorizzle 介绍


It is a matching puzzle game in new interpretations where the objective is to match puzzles and reveal hidden World Monuments. Matching puzzle has several levels, each of which consists of stages with pair matching cards. Each stage has a certain number of attempts and a certain number of paired puzzles, which varies depending on the difficulty. For each stage you will earn crystals from 1 up to 4. If the stage of the level is not passed on the first attempt, you will receive 1 crystal. Crystals are necessary for unblocking the next level. Match game is a brain trainer: improve your memory and focus by playing. Memorizzle – Matching Puzzle Game is brain game for all ages. Features: - Auto-save game. - Simple and intuitive game controls. - Meditation music. - Pause it whenever you want. - Every level has unique puzzles and style. - Pretty animation. - Puzzles have different pictures from polygons. - Up to 4 stages per level: 2x3, 2x4, 2x5, 2x6 puzzles. How to play: - Before the start of each game, you will be shown where the pairs of puzzles are. - You must pair matching cards that are upside down by clicking them. - After completing the level, open new level for earned crystals. Notes: - Memorizzle – Matching Puzzle Game is free to play, but you can purchase in-app items like “10 crystals”. - Contains rewarded ads. - Available for smartphones and tablets. Support Us If you have any feedback for us, please feel free to send it to our email If you have enjoyed playing our game, please rate us on the play store and share among your friends.

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Memorizzle 信息






  • 获取粗略位置
  • 获取精确位置
  • 获取网络状态
  • 获取WiFi状态
  • 访问网络
  • 开机自动允许
  • 使用振动
  • 唤醒锁定
  • 写入外部存储
  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家反馈Q群:581499375

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