Wrestling GM

Wrestling GM

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Wrestling GM 介绍

Wrestling GM

Get ready to embark on a GM experience you’ve never had before. The Wrestling GM universe contains 20 wrestling companies that span over the USA, Canada, Mexico, Europe, and Japan. Take helm of any wrestling organization and control their direction and fate. Each company is unique in their audience, rich history, and roster-base. Some companies are newer and have a younger roster-base whereas others are mature in their business and have already made it to a global scale. Some companies have audiences that prefer pure wrestling spectacles, some that prefer rough-and-tumble brawls, and some that prefer an entertainment-oriented show. Your job as the general manager is to put on the most captivating shows possible for each unique and existing fanbase. With great responsibility comes great power. Your say is final. Pick how each show plays out - who fights who, who is the champion, and how each wrestler’s career evolves over time. The cards are all yours to play. As long as you remember that the fans are the ones that you must win over, in the end.

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