Tropical Princess: Girls Games

Tropical Princess: Girls Games

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Tropical Princess: Girls Games 介绍

Tropical Princess: Girls Games

The tropical princess can’t wait for you to visit her paradise island and assist her in a new makeover! Once you step unto her island, you’ll start a tropical journey filled with fun and creativity as you transform this royal girl's style!So how does this beautiful princess keep her skin looking so clear and smooth? Well, you’ll notice the ingredients at her spa are all-natural and made only from fresh tropical fruits and vegetables. Facial cleanser is avocado with honey, exfoliator is pineapple, and lotion is coconut oil! You’ll put guava slices on her eyes instead of cucumber, and tangerines under her eyes instead of regular eye strips. These are spa beauty secrets known only by the people living on her tropical island. And now you’ve learned their secret!If you think her spa sounds cool, just wait until you see her cosmetics! There are elegant face paints to try, in addition to the ordinary makeup items. Yet her makeup is anything but ordinary. Why, they’re all made with natural plant ingredients, grown right on her warm, sunny island. And even her jewelry has a special tropical touch, from fresh flowers to delicate pearls and beads. All her earrings and necklaces are so colorful and fun, just as you’d imagine they should be for a Tropical Princess!Then you can dress her up in hand-made princess fashions! From hula skirts to beaded skirts, floral dresses and various strappy sandals, you’ll have plenty of options to beautify this royal girl. Oh, and one more thing! The Tropical Princess loves animals, so you’ll get to choose which one will accompany her! Peacock, turtle and flamingo are just a few of the cute animals that you’ll see on her island today! How to play this game:- Select a girl by tapping on her name- To use all the spa and makeup items on the table, swipe your finger across the table- On the dress up screen, select outfits and accessories by tapping on the item- To go to the next scene, tap on the right arrow at the top right of the screenBy downloading this app you will be able to use some of the items for free. However, if you wish to use all of the items, you may purchase the full version

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  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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