Be Cleaner & Speed Booster

Be Cleaner & Speed Booster

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Be Cleaner & Speed Booster 介绍

Be Cleaner & Speed Booster

You don't know what to do because your smartphone slowing down, has become laggy and freezes every time? Are there not enough free space on your phone and you don't want to delete other apps? The charge of your battery is constantly wasting to nowhere?The most compact booster, which solves all of these problems with your Android for just one click!BeCleaner main functions are processor optimization, file cleaner, RAM, battery charge and game accelerator. Everything works right out-of-the-box, with the cool understandable design and friendly user interface. Also, this app not only cleans your cache like other boosters but also helps to protect your Android device with the application locking function. One-tap Optimizer and cleanerBe Cleaner clears the RAM memory and improve your device capacity as a result of stopping unnecessary background tasks and applications. Take out the trash from your deviceFree up space and improve the performance by intelligently scan the junk files.Such as residual files, cache, temp files, obsolete apks and other big files. Smart chargingMonitoring the status of charging in real time and boost charge speed to save you more time. App LockProtection of personal data has become even easier and more efficient. Our AppLock can lock Facebook, Whatsapp, Gallery, Messenger, SMS, Contacts, Gmail, Settings, incoming calls and any app you choose. Prevent unauthorized access and guard privacy. Ensure security. App ManagerHelp you find rarely used apps, uninstall apps to save more space. Easy to UseOptimize your Android in just a few clicks with simple, intuitive user interface which is easy to navigate.★Make your Android device faster right now. Download now for free and clean your phone with just one tap!★BeCleaner is compatible with most Android phones and systems, including but not limited to all devices from Samsung, Google, Meizu, Huawei, Sony, Moto, LG, TCL, htc, Nexus, Lenovo and more….

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