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佳能相机视窗 介绍


Canon CameraWindow (Canon CW) is a free application which enables users to transfer images shot with Canon compact digital cameras (see below for compatible models) to Android devices via a wireless-LAN (Wi-Fi).

This application provides the following features to enjoy images from the Canon Compact Digital Camera:
1) Browse and playback images from your camera on Android device.
2) Save images from your camera to Android device (saving is possible with camera operation).
3) Use the Share option to share your images online via installed services such as E-mail and Facebook (requires a Wi-Fi network connected to the internet).
4) Acquire location information and add it to images on the camera (only PowerShot S110, IXUS 245 HS)

Compatible models
Canon Compact Digital Cameras
PowerShot ELPH 530 HS/ IXUS 510 HS, PowerShot ELPH 320 HS/ IXUS 240 HS
* Connection is possible only in infrastructure mode (using a Wi-Fi access point).
PowerShot S110, IXUS 245 HS
* You can either use the camera as an access point (Camera Access Point Mode) or use another access point.

Compatible platforms
Android 2.3 / 4.0 or later
*The Android device without GPS cannot use location information additional function.

Compatible File Type
[Transfer / Share of the image]
JPEG (image) files shot with the above compatible models.
[Add of the location information]
JPEG (image), CR2 and MOV (video) files shot with the above compatible models.

Important Notice
If CameraWindow does not connect to the camera, stop the application using “Manage applications” which can be found in the Settings menu of the Android device and start it again by pressing the CameraWindow icon.
Face ID function will record registered people's names to the images. Therefore, be careful when posting images online where others can view them.
Video files cannot be saved to the Android device.
Grouped images cannot be sent to the Android device by camera operation. Please ungroup grouped images before sending them to the Android device.
Maximum number of images that can be sent at one time is 50.
This application is not guaranteed to operate on all Android devices.

*Please refer to Canon homepage for the details.

佳能相机视窗 版本更新

“CameraWindow”根据操作环境可能无法使用。对于目前使用“CameraWindow”的客户,请使用“Camera Connect”代替其连接到您的佳能数码相机。使用“Camera Connect”时,通过更改设置,还可执行NFC触控连接。

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  • PAIN SS✘ 2016-01-04


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佳能相机视窗 信息

Canon CameraWindow







Canon Inc.

  • 获取粗略位置
  • 获取精确位置
  • 获取模拟定位信息
  • 获取网络状态
  • 获取WiFi状态
  • 改变WiFi多播状态
  • 改变WiFi状态
  • 获取任务信息
  • 访问网络
  • 写入外部存储



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