Call Screen Elite - Caller ID

Call Screen Elite - Caller ID

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Call Screen Elite - Caller ID 介绍

Call Screen Elite - Caller ID

Do you want to customize your Android smartphone caller screen with some awesome and amazing themes? Do you want to have a stunning call screen and change the boring old one? If your answer is yes, then you will have to download and install Call Screen Elite on your Android smartphone because it is the perfect app for you right now.
This new app contains a collection of some stunning themes for your smartphone call screen. We created the themes very carefully and especially for you to let you personalize your device and let it look great.
We have a modern but simple user interface so you can easily navigate between those themes and select the one that you like. The best thing is that you can enjoy all features of the old call screen and many more with Call Screen Elite.

★WORKS PERFECTLY ON ALL ANDROID VERSIONS (from old Android 4 to newest Android 6, 7 and even Android 8!).★

Why do you need to download and install Call Screen Elite - Caller ID for Free on your Android smartphone instead of other caller screen apps?

• Easy:
✓ Very Easy Interface to use, you can easily find all themes and set them easily. You can set the new theme easily and fast within a few seconds.

• Nice:
✓ Beautiful themes that you will love.
The themes that we have are:
★ Mountain in Space
★ Rainy Day
★ Miami Sunset
★ Basic Jeans
★ Colorful Umbrellas
★ Dark Leaves
★ Blue Circles
★ Mountains Landscape
★ Simple Blue
★ Black Neon
✓ Optimized for all phone sizes and you don’t have to crop them.

• Free:
✓ Our app is Free and it will stay free for life, so there is no hidden fees, no special memberships and no annual subscription fees to customize your device call screen with some amazing themes.

• Updated regularly:
✓ We will update our app regularly and add some awesome free themes inside!

• More functions:
✓ We have many functions that will let you completely change your old call screen and install our new one:
★ Accept incoming call
★ Reject incoming call
★ Mute incoming call
★ Reject incoming call and send SMS
★ Disable/enable microphone in active call
★ Disable/enable speaker in active call
★ End active call

• Battery Saving:
✓ Most of call screen apps on Google Play Store will use your battery energy excessively, but we developed a smart battery saving feature that will let our app save your battery energy.

What are you waiting for? Download Call Screen Elite - Caller ID and customize your smartphone call screen easily and fast!
We are always striving to provide the best user experience for our users. We are also looking for your feedback, suggestion or recommendation. Please, feel free to email us at so we can continue to bring you the best experiences and updates.

来自应用汇: Call Screen Elite - Caller ID //

Call Screen Elite - Caller ID 版本更新

✓ Added more call screen themes!
✓ Android 8 Oreo support!
✓ Performance optimization

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Call Screen Elite - Caller ID 信息







  • 获取网络状态
  • 拨打电话
  • 禁用键盘锁
  • 访问网络
  • 修改声音设置
  • 处理拨出电话
  • 读取联系人
  • 读取电话状态
  • 开机自动允许
  • 发送短信
  • 显示系统窗口
  • 唤醒锁定
  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家反馈Q群:581499375

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