Trunx Camera & Photo Organizer

Trunx Camera & Photo Organizer

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Trunx Camera & Photo Organizer 介绍

Trunx Camera & Photo Organizer

* Currently Trunx will only run on devices with 720P or higher resolution. *EXPERIENCE PHOTOGRAPHY IN A NEW WAY with Trunx. Trunx is an all-in-one camera app that allows you to capture, organize and store photos privately and securely in the cloud. Relive your memories like never before while freeing up valuable storage on your devices. Trunx also creates a whole new photography experience by merging audio recording with pictures, creating a unique and incredible way to tell your life story. With Trunx EchoPix™, you can capture life’s moments to the fullest by taking pictures and recording sounds around you.Never have to worry about losing your pictures again! Even if your phone gets lost or damaged, your photos and videos will be safely stored in your own private vault the cloud. Your files will automatically be saved to the cloud, where only you will have access to them. For a limited time, we are offering UNLIMITED Storage!! Take advantage of our offer and free up valuable storage space on your phone.Camera Features Include:• A whole new way to experience photography by capturing pictures with sound. EchoPix lets you record audio while taking a picture.• Easy interface to switch from camera view to calendar history view and tagging for organization.• One click to activate camera flash• Front facing camera for the perfect selfie.• Quick switch from EchoPix (pictures with sound) to regular photo or video mode. • Ability to take videos and save them directly to the cloud. Photo Organizer and Storage Features:* Storage - All photos are saved in the cloud freeing up valuable storage space on your phone.* Transfer & Backup - Integrate photos from your photo gallery, Facebook, Instagram and computer hard drives into your Trunx cloud storage.* Secure - Pictures will be saved in the cloud even if you lose your phone or hard drive.* Private - Ability to set up a pin code for added security, and ensure your private moments are truly for your eyes only.* Auto Organization – Your photos will be automatically sorted by date and time making it easy to find the exact moment you’re looking for. Create the photo timeline of your life.* Tag – Organize your photos your way with tags such as name and location to make it easier to sort and search for the pictures you want. * High Resolution - Photographs will always be stored in the highest resolution. We save your pictures at the same quality that you take them.It's simple to use this camera and photo organizer - Simply launch the app, create a login and password, and begin importing, organizing, and storing your photos in the cloud!Additional Free Feature:Now you can free up storage space on all your devices! Desktop Uploader lets you upload photos from your computer directly to your Trunx account. Backup photos from hard drives and digital cameras too - just plug your drive or SD card into your computer and transfer all your photos to the cloud. Get the Desktop Uploader for FREE at Trunx today to experience photography in a whole new way! Not only can you take pictures with sound, you can also free up precious space on your phone as your pictures are stored privately and securely in the cloud.Trunx would love to hear your suggestions & feedback on how to improve our Camera and Photo Storage & Organizer app! Photography enthusiasts and novices alike will love our new modern mobile photo album.Please continue to send questions, suggestions and ideas to Visit us at to learn more.We’re your new Photo album.

来自应用汇: Trunx Camera & Photo Organizer //

Trunx Camera & Photo Organizer 版本更新

* Public Picture Sharing:Sharing of photos with friends with a private link that allows them to view and download in browser, which is a good support when they are not convenient to install Trunx.The photos shared from Trunx can be viewed by everyone through the link so keep it safe. The link will be expired after one week of sharing.

用户对 Trunx Camera & Photo Organizer 的评论

  • 金砂糖xi 2014-09-13


  • 我攻略有写,你自己看吧! 2014-08-08

    被微博的app菌安利了这个应用~ 她说不懂英文也没关系,但我觉得最起码得懂常用的……一开始就要邮箱注册账号 UI真心赞!比我桌面还漂亮!但是不能选图片上传QUQ只能全部上传OTL 貌似我图片太多,上传了好久好久好久…我会说我有很多不需要的图没删,它都上传了吗……图片排序默认时间排序,不整理不爽的也能自己分文件夹~ 我不想知道为什么这个应用这么占内存

查看 Trunx Camera & Photo Organizer 的全部2条评论


Trunx Camera & Photo Organizer 信息







Lifetime Memori Inc.

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  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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