Mind Games

Mind Games

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Mind Games 介绍

Mind Games

This is a great collection of games based on principles of cognitive psychology to help you practice different mental skills. The perfect game to help you fight the effects of aging on your brain, or try to improve brain functioning at any age. This app includes all 13 of Mindware’s brain exercising games. All games include your score history, a global top scores list, and graph of your progress. The main app shows a summary of your best games and today’s scores on all games. Using some principles of standardized testing, your scores are also converted to a standardized scale so that you can see where you need work and excel.

Attention Training Game - Exercise your brain's attention. Based on the flanker attention task. Practice your ability to ignore competing information and processing speed.

Face Memory - Memorize a group of faces and then see if you can recall them.

Math Star - Practice your basic arithmetic skills, speed, and attention to detail.

Memory Racer - Practice for your brain's working memory and processing speed.

Memory Span - Practice your verbal and nonverbal working memory to increase the span of your immediate memory.

Mental Categories - Practice your processing speed and quick categorization skills.

Mental Flex - Practice your cognitive flexibility and ability to ignore competing information.

Serial Memory - Learn a series of 10 numbers and faces in as few trials as you can.

Spatial Memory - Memorize the locations of the tiles that flip over with increasing numbers of tiles.

Speed Trivia - Test and improve your knowledge of general trivia and information.

Vocabulary Star - Improve your vocabulary and spelling skills.

Visual Memory - Test and practice your visual memory skills.

Word Memory - Memorize 30 words and see if you can remember them.

Keywords: brain training, cognitive training, IQ, vocabulary, attention, concentration, focus, cognitive flexibility, spelling, math, mathematics, mind, mind games, mind training, like Lumosity, luminosity

来自应用汇: Mind Games //www.stclairws.com/app/mindware.mindgames?from=spi-desc

Mind Games 版本更新

Exercise Your Brain! A great collection of brain training games.

Recent changes:

3.1.9 Minor updates. 3.1.8 Updated scoring data for all games. Fixed issues affecting some users. Removed unused permissions. 3.1.6 Added a new trial game: Reaction Sequence. A new translation was added. Improved accessibility. 3.1.1 Added more options for free play. 3.0.7 Added a great new trial game. 3.0.6 Fixed issues with subscriptions. 3.0.5 Misc. fixes and updates. 3.0.3 Improvements in game timer appearance.

Mind Games 类似游戏

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Mind Games 信息






  • 客服邮箱:hello@appchina.com
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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