PSViewer for Google Cardboard

PSViewer for Google Cardboard

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PSViewer for Google Cardboard 介绍

PSViewer for Google Cardboard

A versatile Photosphere Viewer for Google Cardboard and Android Phone VR Headsets with a new Download Photosphere facility so you can use the app even if you dont have your own photosphere. Supports stereoscopic photographs taken with Google's Cardboard Camera. The key features are:1) Support for Stereoscopic Photospheres (true 3d photospheres taken with a stereoscopic camera) - Including Stereoscopic Images taken with the Cardboard Camera.2) Create your own Virtual Galleries by either downloading photospheres using the App or using your own photospheres located on your phone and then float about inside it!3) Extemely Fast and Efficient Loading of Photospheres using a custom compressed texture format.4) Multiple Controller Options including Head Tilt, Bluetooth Joystick, Google Cardboard 2.0 Screen Tap and Magnet.5) Browsing and selection of directories containing photospheres to allow customized slide shows or selection of specific photospheres.6) Ability to load and view photospheres in VR on Google Cardboard that do not have the XML header attached - as long as the width is twice the height7) Multiple settings including zoom and barrel distortion settings8) Create multiple galleries and a selection of different gallery types.I would like to hear any suggestions people have or features people would like to see added. If you would like to see what I am currently working on join Stereospheres on Google+.Notes:1) If you wish to load your own stereoscopic photospheres (photospheres with a left and right image for each eye) then you must name them so the the left image ends is _L.jpg and the right image ends with _R.jpg and that they are placed in the same directory. For example, MyPicture_L.jpg and MyPicture_R.jpg. The images atleast 2048px wide2) To change the gallery type goto the "Edit Galleries" menu option and then select the gallery you want to change and press "Edit". On this screen you can change the gallery type from the drop down menu. If you want the virtual spheres gallery you can float about in select the "Spheres Gallery" option.EXTEME CAUTION SHOULD BE USED WITH THIS OR ANY OTHER VR APP! READ THE DISCLAIMER!

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PSViewer for Google Cardboard 信息






  • 获取网络状态
  • 访问网络
  • 唤醒锁定
  • 写入外部存储
  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家反馈Q群:581499375

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