Guitar Practice Perfect Pitch

Guitar Practice Perfect Pitch

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Guitar Practice Perfect Pitch 介绍

Guitar Practice Perfect Pitch

It is an application that can be measured guitar technique. Good of the guitar, you can measure the poor.You can contribute to the improvement of the guitar playing.Let's up the level of guitar playing tempered guitar pitch.────────────────────Features────────────────────It will help you to have perfect pitch through playing the game.You can see where you stand in the world ranking. If you have confidence in your perfect pitch, try this game.You can train your ear through the game and be the best singer at karaoke.Unlike other, similar apps, even beginners can easily play it.It will help you to have perfect pitch through playing the game. Use the app as warm up exercises before playing the guitar.You can practice transcribing music by ear.Testing your perfect pitch is easy so compare the result with your friends.────────────────────How to play────────────────────■ rules1. First, hear the notes. 2. Try to tap on the guitar fret in the same order that you think they are.3. If your answer is correct, you go to the next stage. 4. If your answer is wrong, tap to guess the notes again.5. Your score is the sum of the time that you spent on 10 games.6. Answer as quickly as possible and compete against other players. ■ game screen display· Total scoreRemaining game score when you clear will be added.· Game countSurface will proceed Clearing.· Game ScoreTime spent in the game will be displayed as a score.■ game level of · EasyIt becomes a game of the sound of C key.Three of sound will be in order.· NormalSharp, also flat sound.Three of sound will be in order.· HardSharp, also flat sound.Five of sound will be in order.Measure your ear for music. And practice.

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