Spring Layout Sample

Spring Layout Sample

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Spring Layout Sample 介绍

Spring Layout Sample

SpringLayout - RelativeLayout on steroids.
The goal of this project is to create more reliable and feature-rich replacement for RelativeLayout. Apart from new features SpringLayout has better error reporting, so no more guessing what's wrong with your layout :-).
Here is a short list of new features, for more detailed information feel free to visit my GitHub page - https://github.com/sulewicz/springlayout:
- Aligning center of a view to the center of another view.
- Defining view size in percentage
- Defining width and/or height weight
- Detailed error reports
... and much more :).

来自应用汇: Spring Layout Sample //www.stclairws.com/app/org.coderoller.springlayoutsample?from=spi-desc

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