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Kustom日历插件:kCalendar 介绍


**需要Kustom Live Wall Paper (KLWP)**
Kustom日历插件并不像其它日历小插件一样... 它使用数学计算来计算每个日期的文本。
- 支持以周一开始的日期
- 内置语言支持修改月和日的文本
- 支持闰年
- 包含了如下的可配置的参数:
curDayBk - Choose the color for the shape that indicates the current day
curDaySh - Choose the shape indicating the current day (CIRCLE, SQUARE, HEXAGON)
curDayFl - Choose between Fill or Stroke for the current day shape
curDayTe - Choose the color for the current day
wkText - Choose the color of the weekday text
wkBkg - Choose the color of the background of the Week area
yrText - Choose the color for the Year text
mnthText - Choose the color for the Month text
mnthBkg - Choose the color for the background of the Month area
OutODyTx - Choose the color for the days that fall outside of the current month
Backgrou Choose the background color
Border - Choose the color of the border
DayText - Choose the color for the days of the month
NextPrev - Turn next/previous month buttons on/off
MnthFont - Font for the Month
WeekFont - Font for the Weekdays
DayFont - Font for the Days of the Month
TxSh - Color for Text Shadow. To turn off shadow set to transparent color.
TxShDir - Direction for Text Shadow - 0-359
TxShDis - Distance for Text Shadow - 0-15
TxShBlr - Blur value for Text Shadow - 0-100
TxShCurD - Choose to turn on/off Shadow for current day

来自应用汇: Kustom日历插件:kCalendar //www.stclairws.com/app/org.kustom.iamtopher.kalendar?from=spi-desc

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