Sound Meter

Sound Meter

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Sound Meter 介绍

Sound Meter

★ Sound Meter (SPL - sound pressure level) is an app which can measure the actual sound level meter with decibels (dB). Sound meter is also known as sound level meter, decibel meter (dB meter), noise meter, sound pressure level meter (spl meter).★ It uses your built-in microphone and shows a reference. We had calibrated many android devices with the actual sound level meter with dB.★ You have to know that the built-in microphones were aligned to human voice (300-3400Hz, 40-60dB). Therefore the maximum values are limited by the hardware limitation, and very loud sound (100+ db) cannot be recognized.★ Remember that it's only a device for fun and please use it as an auxiliary tool.★ Levels of Noise In decibels (dB) according to American Academy of audiology:140 dB - gun shots, fireworks130 dB - jackhammers, ambulance120 dB - jet planes taking off110 dB - concerts, car horns100 dB - snowmobiles90 dB - power tools80 dB - Alarm clocks70 dB - traffic, vacuums60 dB - normal conversation50 dB - moderate rainfall40 dB - quiet library30 dB - whisper20 dB - leaves rusting10 dB – breathing★ If you have any problems, contact with

来自应用汇: Sound Meter //

Sound Meter 版本更新

1.1 Added A-weighting option in setting. (Measuring relative loudness of sounds in air as perceived by the human ear)

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Sound Meter 信息







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  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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