Froggy vs. Mother-in-law

Froggy vs. Mother-in-law

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Froggy vs. Mother-in-law 介绍

Froggy vs. Mother-in-law

Walking through the royal gardens and halls of the palace, Froggy stumbled upon King Froggold II's mother-in-law, who obviously started something unkind... Note: The characters and the game itself may seem strange to you if you are not familiar with the universe of FKoKFII. And this game does not belong to the main universe FKoKFII. She enters another, frivolous universe.

Froggy vs. Mother-in-law 版本更新

Update 2.7.

- Two new playable characters;

- Two new backgrounds;

- New achievements;

- Added the possibility to select a random character from those already unlocked;

- Mother-in-law now jumps because of the bite;

- Now it is impossible to take a heart if health is already full.

Froggy vs. Mother-in-law 类似游戏

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