Ghost Camera Radar Joke

Ghost Camera Radar Joke

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Ghost Camera Radar Joke 介绍

Ghost Camera Radar Joke

Ghost Camera Radar JokeGhost Radar Camera joke - this is a game simulation of a joke application where you can play on your phone as a radar to search for ghosts! Do you like horror? You do not believe in ghosts? Want to find out whether they are close? You think you're brave?Then our app for you! With this application, the specter of a radar camera joke you can play friends and relatives! Scare your friend! The interface is very simple, turn on the app and start your search of ghosts around you!For realism used camera!Warning game joke created for pranks and practical jokes and is absolutely safe for your health!Download the game for free, and you can now play anywhere, since it does not require an internet connection!Thank you for playing our apps! Leave us feedback and we will try to make them even better for you!

来自应用汇: Ghost Camera Radar Joke //

Ghost Camera Radar Joke 版本更新

Added a new 3D location, catch ghosts in the city!

Ghost Camera Radar Joke 类似游戏

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Ghost Camera Radar Joke 信息







iApps And iGames

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