Auto Redial

Auto Redial

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Auto Redial 介绍

Auto Redial

A simple program to automatically make calls to a specified number.In the simplest case, for autodial you must enter the number to make a call and click Start. At the same time set the following parameters:- Duration of the call. Unfortunately, hang up after the answer is technically implemented in the application developers do not seem to be possible.- Number of calls (by default, 10).- The interval between calls (by default, 5 seconds).You can also schedule automatic dial with the ability to specify the duration of the call. In the program two types of schedules: - one call at a specified time every day;- repeated calls to you after a specified period of time.When you call to schedule delay allowed the job - to make the call on schedule. This is possible not depending on the application circumstances and is a feature of the OS.In application settings you can enable or disable the speakerphone during a call. (Default, enabled). By default, a warning also appears before start the scheduled call, which can be disabled in the settings. This means that when you reach a specified time to call a dialog box in which you want to accept or refuse to make dialing. Sound alert is disabled, by default. If you turn it on before you call schedule you will hear a sound alarm.All required permissions are needed for work the application. The data will not be sent, not collected and are not processed, and used for making calls.

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