Jewellust Adventure: Match 3

Jewellust Adventure: Match 3

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Jewellust Adventure: Match 3 介绍

Jewellust Adventure: Match 3

The brilliant "match 3" puzzle game for everybody who loves a magic atmosphere, ancient mysteries and a crystal chime of jewels. Immerse yourself into a fascinating journey through deserts, oases of Ancient Egypt, jungle, pirate seas and dungeons! You will explore treasuries, magic spells and unique artifacts that make the game even more interesting.- enjoy 750+ game missions (more and more with game updates)- create powerful Bonuses assembling different jewels combinations of 4 or 5 gems- mix Bonuses and get Super Bonuses- use marvelous Magic Spells- get reusable Boosters that are charged during the game- each mission has its own Leaderboard, replay missions and compete with other travelers- pass first 25 missions and unlock daily Pharaoh’s Roulette - earn valuable prizes in Treasure TrovesThe game works on various screen sizes and supports English, Japanese, Spanish, French, Korean, Russian and German.No social network connection needed! Saving your gaming profile in the cloud allows you to keep the progress, even if you have changed your device. If you have several devices, each has its own profile.Jewellust was one of the first "match 3" jewel puzzles for Android, it stayed in the Top 10 for a long time and gathered a lot of positive feedback from players.Its modern version - Jewellust Adventure - is a totally redesigned and improved game with a lot of content and new missions coming soon!We've kept the spirit of the original "Jewellust" puzzle but also greatly enlarged the game world and added much more abilities: treasures, puzzler-levels and unique objects on the game field.A unique combination of features sets Jewellust Adventure apart from other games in the genre of "match 3". The game will bring you a lot of fun and you’ll definitely love it!Visit our site: questions? Feel free to ask:

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Jewellust Adventure: Match 3 版本更新

some fixes for 18:9 devices and the roulette

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