Water Reminder for Health - Drink Alarm

Water Reminder for Health - Drink Alarm

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Water Reminder for Health - Drink Alarm 介绍

Water Reminder for Health - Drink Alarm

“Water for Health” is a unique water drink tracker and reminder or alarm app.“Water for Health” app uses the natural water therapy concept to hydrate the body.What natural water therapy suggest?Divide the water intake in two parts.1. Early Morning Water 2. Daytime WaterWhy early morning water is required?Drinking water in empty stomach in the morning helps us to purifies the large intestine and it improves the stomach's chances to absorb nutrients properly. A better digestive system automatically takes care of a lot of other things.• It is good to drink 1.0 - 1.5 liters of water.• In between wake up time and breakfast. How much water is required in a daytime?The amount of water you need depends on a variety of factors, including the climate you live in, how physically active you are, and whether you're experiencing an illness or have any other health problems.• It is good to drink 2.5 - 3.0 liters of water in a day.The benefits of drinking water :* Helps prevent kidney stones* Clears up your skin* Stay in shape and keep fit.* Keeps your skin and nails healthy* Keeps you hydratedKey Features of App :* Simple and easy.* Water Drink alarm on time to remind you to drink water.* Water tracker that will remind you when and how much water to drink throughout the day.* Customized cup and standard (ml) or (oz) units* You can set your start and end time to drink water for each day* Track water Intake in the early morning and throughout the day separately.* Check your Water Intake history.* Health Tips and benefits of water .* Pie graph and line chart to track water intake easily.* Choose your favorite color and set as background Color.

来自应用汇: Water Reminder for Health - Drink Alarm //www.stclairws.com/app/st.info.water4health?from=spi-desc

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