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Cɑndy 介绍


Download Candy Christmas Camera, the best HD camera for Android devices that will help you take the best photos and selfies with real time filter camera. It combines the best features of HD camera and photo editing designed especially for candy camera funs. Use our application to take a great photo with auto focus and flash features. You can even take a photo with our filters and filter it again in our photo editing screen. There are many more features you can access in our application that will help you producing the best images that will impress everyone. Candy Christmas Camera is a great application for taking a selfie or any photo and post them on your favorite social network sites within seconds. This camera application allows you to take a picture directly within our app with our candy camera filter in real time. You can post the picture immediately. However, if you are not yet satisfied with the result or you want to edit other photos from your phone’s Gallery, you can add more filter or edit it again. ======================HIGHLIGHTED FEATURES:======================★ Use our real time filter camera to take amazing selfies or photos and post these amazing pictures on your social network apps. ★ Use zoom features for front and back camera. ★ Take a picture with flash and auto –focus features. ★ Choose from 20 base filters. ★ Create a masking filter with a mask image and apply it. ★ Edit your photo again with another filter on our photo editing screen. So what are you waiting for? Try this awesome HD camera application for your Android device. You will find that this is the best camera filter you have ever used on your device.

来自应用汇: Cɑndy //www.stclairws.com/app/suma.studio.com.candychristmascamera?from=spi-desc

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Christmas Camera






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