Learn Thai Alphabet Easily - Thai Script - Symbol

Learn Thai Alphabet Easily - Thai Script - Symbol

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Learn Thai Alphabet Easily - Thai Script - Symbol 介绍

Learn Thai Alphabet Easily - Thai Script - Symbol

Welcome to learning Thai Alphabet (Thai Script, Thai Syllable, Thai Symbol, Thai Letters, Thai Characters )Application teach you to read and write Thai Alphabet (Thai Script, Thai Syllable, Thai Symbols, Thai Letters, Thai Characters ). If you want to learn Thai the first thing you must know is alphabet (script, syllable, symbols, letters, characters) fluently.The application is a great reference for the symbols , script, letters, characters and will help you to memorize the alphabet easily.This application makes easy for beginner to memorize the Thai alphabet (memorize Thai script).Features:* Play Quizzes Game* Play Freaking Game* Flashcards* How to pronounce the alphabet * Very simple , easy to use* How to write the alphabetIf you like app, give us 5 stars. Enjoy the fun!Memorize Thai symbols easilyMemorize Thai characters easilyMemorize Thai letters easilyMemorize Thai alphabet easilyMemorize Thai script easilyMemorize Thai syllable easilyPronounce Thai alphabet Pronounce Thai letters Pronounce Thai characters Pronounce Thai symbolPronounce Thai syllable Pronounce Thai script

来自应用汇: Learn Thai Alphabet Easily - Thai Script - Symbol //www.stclairws.com/app/tfe.mobilesoft.learn.thaialphabet?from=spi-desc

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