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Weather 介绍


Accurate Local Weather Forecast & Widgets, provides accurate current & future weather info, beautiful clock weather widgets.Features of Accurate Weather Forecast & Widgets☛ Current Weather Conditions: Detailed real-time weather report, including real-time weather status & temperature, "feels like" temperature, Rainfall Rate, humidity, dew point, sunrise, sunset, wind speed, UV index, visibility and barometric pressure.☛ Hourly/Daily Forecast: Detailed weather forecast, including weather status prediction, highest/lowest temperature, precipitation, wind, etc. You can check all these data detailed in every single day or even every single hour.☛ Automatic Map Location: Changes based on your current location, weather, and time of day, so you get your current conditions plus the weather info you need most.☛ Weather & Clock Widgets: Easily check the current & future weather info via widgets in 2*1, 2*2, 4*1, 4*2 sizes. In the meantime, all widgets can switch between different themes.☛ Sun & Moon: Track Sunrise and Sunset Time.☛ 2 Simple And Beautiful Themes: Light or Dark mode☛ Different Units: Choice between metric or imperial units, fahrenheit (*F) or Celsius (*C), 12-hour or 24-hour time display.☛ Status Bar Info: Status bar on the homescreen displaying the current temperature for your current or location.☛ Support World Weather: Ability to change location for weather information for any city in the world: Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Athens, London, Manchester, Cambridge, Los Angeles, Maiami, New York, Chicago, Las Vegas, Hawaii, Sydney, Perth, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Ottawa, Toronto, Victoria, Berlin, Florence, Bari, etc.3 Outstanding Characteristics of Weather Forecast & Widgets★ AccurateWeather Forecast & Widgets cooperate with worldweatheronline which provide the most professional and accurate weather service for 1000,000+ locations worldwide. ★ SimpleBeautiful, concise and easy-to-use user interface.★ PracticalOutdoor activities, check for storm, winds, tornado, rain and so on, decide whether to take umbrella, or cancel the plans.Download the weather forecast channel for free and experience the Superior Accuracy that comes from high-quality weather forecasting.

来自应用汇: Weather //

Weather 版本更新

? Add a new desktop widget

? Reduce the size of the installation package

? Fix some page adaptation issues

? Fix bugs in user feedb

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