Violin Lesson Tutor

Violin Lesson Tutor

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Violin Lesson Tutor 介绍

Violin Lesson Tutor

Linking to her YouTube channel, learn to play the Violin with Alison M Sparrow.

This App will take you directly to Alison's YouTube Channel.

She will take you through the basics of learning the OFFICIAL way to play the Violin with the addition of Grades 1-5 Theory.

It is designed to give you the best possible start to learning the violin, leaving you with enough information to move onto GRADE 1 Violin

The lessons are delivered by professional musician and teacher, Alison M Sparrow who runs her own successful Music School and who is also a Music Examiner for a leading exam board.

This is an expanding App which will continue to be updated.

It is aimed at anyone at any age from total beginners through to anyone who wants to refresh their knowledge or someone who just fancies learning a new and fun skill!

*please note that this app links you to the 'theonlinepianotutor' YouTube Channel and is designed to enable you to find these lessons easily.

来自应用汇: Violin Lesson Tutor //

Violin Lesson Tutor 版本更新

Fixed some broken videos and added some new ones :)Addition of VideosAdded printable worksheets

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Violin Lesson Tutor 信息






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  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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