Vibrance HDR

Vibrance HDR

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Vibrance HDR 介绍

Vibrance HDR

Vibrance hdr allows you to create high dynamic range (HDR) images, either from a single photo, or from multiple (three) auto exposure bracketed (AEB) photos.High-dynamic-range imaging is a technique used in photography to reproduce a greater dynamic range of luminosity. This works best in conjuction with a camera app that supports taking photos at multiple different exposures. However Vibrance HDR also supports creating a "Fake HDR" effect from a single photo.Features:* Create HDR effect from either single photo, or three input photos at different exposures.* Editor allows you to modify contrast enhancement strength, brightness, contrast, saturation, white balance temperature.* Quick display of original image for comparison.* Pan and pinch to zoom.* Works in portrait and landscape.* Exif metadata is preserved by default where possible, with additional options to control what metadata is preserved.* HDR tonemapping options include Reinhard and Filmic.* Auto-alignment for processing multiple input photos.* On-screen histogram.* Built-in help (including guides on how to take AEB photos on various Android camera apps).* Share to and from other apps.Note that Vibrance HDR is not intended to be a general purpose photo editor - there are already plenty of free apps for that.See the pictures for examples of what Vibrance HDR can do. The before/after images show the results on a single input image (some are with default settings, some are with using the post-processing sliders).Vibrance HDR includes ads served via the Google Mobile Ads SDK (Admob).

来自应用汇: Vibrance HDR //

Vibrance HDR 版本更新

Fixed crash if user clicked tonemapping button whilst processing images.

Settings now available from main screen.

Tonemapping options now also available from settings.

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Mark Harman

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