Vivino Wine Scanner

Vivino Wine Scanner

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Vivino Wine Scanner 介绍

Vivino Wine Scanner

With Vivino you’ll never forget another wine. Take a photo of any wine, and we’ll automatically match it against our online wine database of more than 500,000 wines. If it doesn’t automatically match it, our Wine Recognition Team will do it for you.

Check out a wine’s facts, ratings, tips from other users, where to buy and more. The wines you scan are saved to your winelist, accessible through both the app and our website. This way, you’ll never forget another wine – good or bad!

Best of all: It’s all free.

What Vivino does for you:
- Automatically recognizes the wine, by analyzing the label
- Wine Recognition Team will match unknown wines for you
- Builds a winelist of all your favorite wines
- Follow the wine-experiences of your friends
- Use the Nearby feature to check out the selection of wines in a restaurant, supermarket or liquor store
- Works offline as well. Scanned wines are saved for later processing
- Upload old photos from your Photo Album for recognition
- User-generated content, like ratings, tips, where the wine can be purchased, prices etc. grow day by day with our expanding community of users.

About Vivino
Vivino has an extensive online database of more than 500,000 wines from 15,000 wineries worldwide. More than 100,000 users of the Vivino app help out each other with user-generated content. Vivino was founded in 2009 and is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark.

来自应用汇: Vivino Wine Scanner //

Vivino Wine Scanner 历史版本

  • Vivino Wine Scanner
    Vivino Wine Scanner
    版本: 8.18.37
    大小: 27.44 M
    1. 酒款搜索页面全新上线,按葡萄酒种类,风格,配餐个性搜索你的醉爱
    2. 酒款信息全免升级,启发你全新的葡萄酒体验
    3. 更新整合个人葡萄酒页面,清新简介的UI设计更方便管理你的葡萄酒
  • Vivino Wine Scanner
    Vivino Wine Scanner
    版本: 8.18.36
    大小: 30.46 M

    For every moment, we help you discover the perfect wine. In this update:

    — The new Wine Adventure is here, and this one is all about wine tasting! It's called "Taste wine like a pro", and it can be found in the Adventure Library (Profile -> See all adventures).

    Contact our customer support team at​support or select "Help and Support" from the Vivino app (under Profile > Settings).
  • Vivino Wine Scanner
    Vivino Wine Scanner
    版本: 8.18.25
    大小: 41.80 M

    For every moment, we help you discover the perfect wine. In this update:

    — The new Wine Adventure is here, and this one is all about wine tasting! It's called "Taste wine like a pro", and it can be found in the Adventure Library (Profile -> See all adventures);

    — We made performance improvements along with various bug fixes.

    We're here to help. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at or directly through the app under Profile > Settings.
  • Vivino Wine Scanner
    Vivino Wine Scanner
    版本: 8.18.22
    大小: 41.63 M

    For every moment, we help you discover the perfect wine. In this update, we made performance improvements along with various bug fixes.

    We're here to help. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at or directly through the app under Profile > Settings.
  • Vivino Wine Scanner
    Vivino Wine Scanner
    版本: 8.18.21
    大小: 41.63 M
    1. 酒款搜索页面全新上线,按葡萄酒种类,风格,配餐个性搜索你的醉爱
    2. 酒款信息全免升级,启发你全新的葡萄酒体验
    3. 更新整合个人葡萄酒页面,清新简介的UI设计更方便管理你的葡萄酒
  • Vivino Wine Scanner
    Vivino Wine Scanner
    版本: 8.18.19
    大小: 41.63 M

    For every moment, we help you discover the perfect wine. In this update, we made performance improvements along with various bug fixes.

    We're here to help. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at or directly through the app under Profile > Settings.
  • Vivino Wine Scanner
    Vivino Wine Scanner
    版本: 8.18.18
    大小: 41.63 M

    For every moment, we help you discover the perfect wine. In this update, we made performance improvements along with various bug fixes.

    We're here to help. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at or directly through the app under Profile > Settings.
  • Vivino Wine Scanner
    Vivino Wine Scanner
    版本: 8.18.16
    大小: 40.90 M
    1. 酒款搜索页面全新上线,按葡萄酒种类,风格,配餐个性搜索你的醉爱
    2. 酒款信息全免升级,启发你全新的葡萄酒体验
    3. 更新整合个人葡萄酒页面,清新简介的UI设计更方便管理你的葡萄酒
  • Vivino Wine Scanner
    Vivino Wine Scanner
    版本: 8.18.7
    大小: 38.56 M

    For every moment, we help you discover the perfect wine. In this update, we made performance improvements along with various bug fixes.

    Share amazing wine with your friends — type the "@" symbol before their usernames in a review or in a comment, and they'll be notified.

    We're here to help. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at or directly through the app under Profile > Settings.
  • Vivino Wine Scanner
    Vivino Wine Scanner
    版本: 8.18.3
    大小: 53.84 M

    For every moment, we help you discover the perfect wine. In this update, we made performance improvements along with various bug fixes.

    Share amazing wine with your friends — type the "@" symbol before their usernames in a review or in a comment, and they'll be notified.

    We're here to help. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact us at or directly through the app under Profile > Settings.

Vivino Wine Scanner 版本更新

For every moment, we help you discover the perfect wine. In this update:

— The new Wine Adventure is here, and this one is all about wine tasting! It's called "Taste wine like a pro", and it can be found in the Adventure Library (Profile -> See all adventures);

— We made performance improvements along with various bug fixes.

Contact our customer support team at​support or select "Help and Support" from the Vivino app (under Profile > Settings).

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