Saga of the North Wind

Saga of the North Wind

版本 1.1.0
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  提示:该应用暂无版号 应用汇暂不提供下载
  • 软件大小: 5.02MB
  • 最新版本: 1.1.0
  • 文件格式: apk
  • 应用分类: 角色扮演
  • 使用语言: 英文
  • 网络支持:
  • 系统要求: 2.3以上
  • 开发者: Choice of Games LLC
The gods have chosen you to lead your tribe on a deadly pilgrimage to the Valley of the North Wind! When future generations recite your saga, will they sing of your glory or your downfall?"Saga of the North Wind" is a 300,000-word interactive fantasy novel by Tom Knights, where your choices control the story. It's entirely text-based—without graphics or sound effects—and fueled by the vast, unstoppable power of your imagination.Your people roam the Great Steppe, chased and challenged by the fearsome Tribe of the Black Wolf. Their leader, the shaman Zhan-Ukhel, calls forth savage magic from Chernobog, the god who rules their tribe. Your tribe must have a leader who can call down protection from the gods. That leader is you, and this is your saga.Rule your tribe as an iron-fisted chieftain or as a benevolent guardian. Will your allies support you on the field of battle? Will the gods come when you need them most? Do you even need the gods to smite your enemies, or will you seize divine power for yourself?An eerie glow dances across the stars tonight, stars that bear your name. Listen, now, to the Saga of the North Wind!• Play as male or female, gay, or straight• Become a shaman of the spirit world• Fight the ancient, powerful force, Chernobog who rules your enemies• Battle in the arena or make a daring escape from captivity• Call upon the spirits for aid in your struggle against the Black Wolves' sorceror
v1.0.5• Hotfix.v1.0.4• Fixed lead-in to Anselm's Landing.• Fixed a bug relating to calling the gods in chapter 7.v1.0.3• Fixed a calculation error relating to $adv.
  • timeRATE 2020-04-15
    众神选择了您,带领您的部落朝北风谷致命的朝圣之旅! 当子孙后代背诵您的传奇故事时,他们会唱您的荣耀还是跌倒? 《北风传奇》是汤姆·奈特斯(Tom Knights)撰写的30万字的互动式幻想小说,由您的选择控制故事。 它完全基于文本,没有任何图形或声音效果,而您的想象力却具有无与伦比的强大力量。 您的人们漫步在大草原上,被可怕的黑狼部落追逐和挑战。 他们的领袖萨满(Shaman)詹·乌克(Zhan-Ukhel),向统治他们部落的上帝切尔诺博格发出野蛮的魔法。 您的部落必须有一位可以调低众神保护的领袖。 那个领袖就是你,这就是你的传奇。以铁腕头目或仁慈的监护人的身份统治你的部落。 您的盟友会在​​战场上为您提供支持吗? 当您最需要神时,神会来吗? 您是否甚至需要诸神来打败您的敌人,或者您会为自己夺取神的力量?今晚的星空上闪烁着令人毛骨悚然的光芒,以您的名字命名的星星。 现在,听听北风的传奇! •扮演男性或女性,Homosexuality者或异性恋者 •成为精神世界的巫师 •与古老而强大的力量作战,切尔诺博格将统治您的敌人 •在竞技场或 大胆逃脱囚禁 •呼吁精神帮助您与黑狼的巫师作斗争 #简介汉化#
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