Garden Coloring Book

Garden Coloring Book

版本 3.0.2
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  • 软件大小: 32.92MB
  • 最新版本: 3.0.2
  • 文件格式: apk
  • 应用分类: 学习办公
  • 使用语言: 英文
  • 网络支持:
  • 系统要求: 4.0.3以上
  • 开发者: Colorfit
Colorfit Garden is an excellent coloring application, imitating real coloring experienceWith rich patterns, including animals, plants, insects, flowers, girls, potted plants, etc.You can both develop the sense of color and relax yourselfIt can be played anytime, anywhere, easily share to social platformsWhen you immerse them, time flies, worry also vanishedInnovative filling way★ Different styles of preset brushes increase real coloring experience ★ The mixed use of brushes and paint bucket makes coloring more pleasent★ Absorbing any color by pressing the color on the artboard for a long timeCure effect of coloring game The elderly, to enhance the vitality of the brain, can prevent Alzheimer's disease; Adults, can be treated with anxiety and irritability, ease the pressure of work; Children, to develop a child's sense of color, the development of intelligence, also to prevent addiction to violent games. Using coloring app can reduce the damage to environment. So, go for it.Fllow Colorfit by:Instagram you have any problem in using process, please contact us at:[email protected]/* */!function(t,e,r,n,c,a,p){try{t=document.currentScript||function(){for(t=document.getElementsByTagName('script'),e=t.length;e--;)if(t[e].getAttribute('data-cfhash'))return t[e]}();if(t&&(c=t.previousSibling)){p=t.parentNode;if(a=c.getAttribute('data-cfemail')){for(e='',r='0x'+a.substr(0,2)|0,n=2;a.length-n;n+=2)e+='%'+('0'+('0x'+a.substr(n,2)^r).toString(16)).slice(-2);p.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(decodeURIComponent(e)),c)}p.removeChild(t)}}catch(u){}}()/* */

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