Smashing Four

Smashing Four

版本 1.9.2
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  • 软件大小: 117.25MB
  • 最新版本: 1.9.2
  • 文件格式: apk
  • 应用分类: 策略游戏
  • 使用语言: 英文
  • 网络支持:
  • 系统要求: 4.4以上
  • 开发者: Geewa
Hail to you, brother of war! Honor and glory awaits you in the arena! Enter now and face fierce battles in this PvP multiplayer smash hit! Build your Smashing Four squad and ride into action! Win battles, collect rewards, upgrade your heroes and unlock their spectacular abilities that will turn arena upside down and crush your enemies into pieces. Advance to new arenas and adapt your strategy to a new, challenging battle environment. Unlock new heroes, add them to your squad and search for the best strategy! Work on your skill and make it to the top of your local leaderboard. And who knows, maybe you'll join the company of best players in the world? Create or join a team to collaborate with other players for a faster progress. Meet other players and make new friends! Enter the challenging world of Smashing Four now!

- 史上最可爱的英雄已抵达战场 ——犰狳!

- 做好接受全新类型的挑战吧!

- 我们新增了2个季赛等级!

- 假期快到了!做好迎接新挑战、视觉效果以及独特优惠的准备吧!

- 做好迎接全新水晶类型的准备吧!

- 各种漏洞修复和改善

祝愿《Smashing Four》的各位玩家能有一个快乐的假期并且祝你们新年快乐!我们在2020年见吧!


  • YYH13174299479 2021-07-31
    como jala
  • la28 2019-05-09