


版本 1.054
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  提示:该应用暂无版号 应用汇暂不提供下载
  • 软件大小: 36.25MB
  • 最新版本: 1.054
  • 文件格式: apk
  • 应用分类: 射击游戏
  • 使用语言: 英文
  • 网络支持: 无需联网
  • 系统要求: 2.3.3以上
  • 开发者: Radiangames
由Radiangames公司XBOX上同名游戏移植而来的一款空间生存类射击游戏!游戏方式类似《重力存亡 Tilt to Live 》系列,属于街机风格的射击小游戏,不过操作方面却选择了选择了双摇杆而没有采用重力感应的方式,在游戏《JoyJoy》中玩家为了存活必须抵御住敌人一波接一波地攻势!
Minor fixes
  • 破辅尘州 2021-08-06
    If you really KNOW how to use English,don't stay here, don't do these like taking CHINESE ENGLSH and make yourself just like a mad! I always find that the reasons,of what? You and you! You stay here and lose these words. Do you know how I feel when I see these? You must be not a really ENGLISHMAN, because I am not!
  • YYH6622456185 2021-03-27
    Fantastic game with very smooth operating system and mind blowing projectiles, I can play this all day! Also there are veries models for you to play, each one is unique and interesting!!
  • 非人亦非人 2021-01-18
  • Book Sun 2018-12-09
    Terrified by you ,but I make up my mind to get download it to see see ( no laughing at _(_^_)_ )how magical the game is .
  • Taylor ​Swift 2018-02-14
    Well, I have to say I was a little disappointed when I played the game, it's baraly anything new but another clone of the original game "Geometry War" back a couple years ago.
  • 看大门的李大爷 2017-07-03
    哇!一大波野生学霸,来我们绕到它们后面去, 嘘!小声点 看 我抓住它们了 现在我只要切掉它们的头就可以有一顿丰盛的午餐了
  • 《龍》 2016-12-31
  • YYH725916224265 2016-12-25
    单看语法和搭配错误,这段话的正确说法是:If you really KNOW how to use English, don't stay here, don't do such things like speaking Chinglish and making yourself just like mad! (后面一句完全不知道你在讲什么)Do you know how I feel when I see these remarks? You can't be a real Englishman, (这句也是)。 1.these用于指代上文提到的东西,没提到就要加名词 2.简单的单词拼写错误,如:English,talking 3.and连接的两个或多个动词应保持形式一致,如talking…and making… 4.情态动词表推测,把握很大的否定推测,即“不可能、绝不会”,用can't表示,此外情态动词若要否定,not放在情态动词之后,实义动词之前,如You must not be … 5.语言运用功底极差,无法明确表达意思,大量使用低级的中式英语,词汇低级,无短语,无高级句型,表达幼稚粗糙。 看到楼主这么自信地发评论回帖自以为英语牛逼哄哄地还说别人看来英语水平一般我也是醉了。别赞我,我读二年级的弟弟看不下去了要我来撕个逼。楼主你炸了!
  • bobofart 2016-12-23
    Omg ,why every one using english here
  • 老编军 2016-09-24
    神似 地狱之火