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  • 软件大小: 54.38MB
  • 最新版本: 5.0
  • 文件格式: apk
  • 应用分类: 便捷生活
  • 使用语言: 中文
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  • 系统要求: 2.3以上
Wing Chun (Kung Fu) tutorial application .3d model rotate 360 ^.Speed adjustment, middle indicate let you easily see each action learningWing Chun is a technique to stop the invasion, it is an active, streamlined self-defense system.Distinctive [Nanquan] martial arts, emphasizing the use of the correct concept of consciousness and way of thinking, to export limbs flexible applicationWing Chun is a very scientific, real strong boxing, defending it punches fast and close, on and off the footstep flexible and fast, both offensive and defensive attack and keep the same period, focusing on hardness with softness, strength and less consumption. Wing Chun with "inch King" to attack and defense, focusing on aspects of the theory and miscellaneous midline, buried cross towards face-shaped recovery, both left and right to left to send, walk away and straight and so on. This has the advantage that the body buried in fighting.+Siu Lim Tao+Single Chi Sau+Wooden Dummy-3D rotation-Speeds (fast / slow)-Midline (indicate)-select (step)Thanks 曾氏詠春拳武術[Wing Chun Martial Arts], provide assistance completion (kung fu apps),Contribution to martial arts
  • YYH13868713401 1个月前
  • YYH12629546863 2020-10-11