Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha

Dolphin Emulator Pro Alpha

版本 0.12
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  提示:该应用暂无版号 应用汇暂不提供下载
  • 软件大小: 8.96MB
  • 最新版本: 0.12
  • 文件格式: apk
  • 应用分类: 辅助工具
  • 使用语言: 日文
  • 网络支持:
  • 系统要求: 4.0以上
- You must have the right to a given ROM before you play it!
This is exactly the same as the non-pro version!
If you like the idea of having a gamecube emulator on your Android device and want me to push out updates and features more quickly;Think about buying this version. This may be exactly the same as the non-pro version aside from the shiny golden icon but it helps the development process by giving the developers money to directly work on improving this emulator.
This can help with:
Getting developers the money needed to buy the latest devices to make sure it runs well.
Incentive to help port it to new devices (Intel Bay Trail devices iDevices?)
Money needed to feed the developers so they don't starve to death while developing this.
The time required to put in to such a project to make it as quick as possible.
Usage guide
OpenGL ES 3 guide
Visit the official Dolphin emulator website at and receive support in our forums!
This is the first OpenGL ES 3 application on the Android Market! The amount of devices that support OpenGL ES 3 is minimal at best. Hardware support will increase in the future as more phones come to market!
This is a public preview release of Dolphin the Gamecube and Wii emulator for Android.
If you're expecting reasonable speeds out of this you are sorely mistaken. This will run slow on every single Android device no matter if it is the most powerful one in the world.
Some caveats
- It will crash. Alot.
- It might need to be force closed and ran multiple times to work.
- It will run slow
This app is licensed by the GNU GPL v2 and the full source code is available through the public GIT repository at
  • YYH13909323235 3个月前
  • 大舊 2020-08-28
  • exodus36000 2020-08-15
    play games Wii u on Android
  • 正太彬(请点头像看我的应用集,光影手游) 2020-06-09
    Dolphin模拟器是手机上 画质第2好的画面, 能够成功模拟大部份NGC/WII游戏, 手机处理器需要高通骁龙845或 海思麒麟980以上,才能满频稳定流畅。 最低要求骁龙835或麒麟970, 更低的会更卡别试。 电脑也能玩喔~配置需求中等以上。 画质第1好是Citra模拟器, 比Dolphin更需要性能! 也是手机上第1最吃效能的模拟器, 能模拟大部分3DS游戏, 可惜手机上目前优化不足, 最低分辨率也无法流畅玩怪物猎人。 最低要求高通骁龙845或海思麒麟980, 想要比较流畅就用骁龙855或麒麟990, 不够流畅就等待未来更新的处理器, 期待Citra更新优化。 手机上模拟器的画质处理性能排名: 1.Citra 2.Dolphin 3.Redream 4.呆萌PS2 5.PPSSPP 6.ePSXe Dolphin主要运行NGC/WII的游戏, 而且处理图形能力远远超越PS1, 生化危机系列画面变得更加高清! 完全没有PS1伤眼的多边形晃动! 最高分辨率无法去除多边形晃动, 必须要用某些档案去除,很麻烦! 比ePSXe流畅,能享受更好画质! 贴图不再变形,脸部更清楚漂亮。 而且2代/3代的分辨率能调到2K! 官方能调到4K,但需要手机性能。 (建议最低要求骁龙835处理器) 也有电脑版的Dolphin喔! 还能玩更多生化危机系列! 以下PS1,PSP,都玩不到... 0代,重制,代号维罗妮卡,4代, 暗黑编年史,安布雷拉编年史! 是老生化迷的最大的褔利!
  • 好游戏都是中文?? 2018-05-31