Selfie A Day

Selfie A Day

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Selfie A Day 介绍

Selfie A Day

Use this app to take a selfie a day and save them in a folder for future production of a time-lapse movie.The idea is simple and familiar to a lot of people, take selfie everyday, put them all exactly on top of one another, and you will get a time-lapse video of your growth. This is a very time consuming task if done manually and it is cool but don't have the time or just don't have the reminder and forget to take the picture everyday.So here is a solution for you. This app will give you a great tool to take unique selfies because it gives you a face frame or your latest selfie on the camera preview for you to adjust your face exactly the same position every selfie. Even if you miss it, it will use face detection features to align all your faces on top of one another when creating a movie out of them with lots of other options for you to control for the final movie.You can view or directly share your video with your friends or loved ones from the video creation page and keep a copy of it in your gallery.Best of all, since you may want to keep doing it for a long time, maybe a lifetime, you can backup and restore your photos with your Google drive so you can always have them on all of your devices or if you get a new phone after a while.What you can use this app for:* See you change/grow * Watch your hair grow * Your beard? Movember* Your baby growing up * Getting a nice tan * Time lapse putting on makeup or Face paint* Your plants growing and flourishing* Lots of other ideas...

来自应用汇: Selfie A Day //

Selfie A Day 版本更新

*Multiple photo import from gallery in one shot
*New look for profiles
*Rotate button added
*You can adjust the face now
*New look
*You can manage profiles now (rename/delete)
*Add photos from online gallery (Google photos)
*Edit photo dates
*See remaining time when making a video

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Selfie A Day 信息








  • 获取网络状态
  • 拍照权限
  • 访问账户Gmail列表
  • 获取任务信息
  • 访问网络
  • 开机自动允许
  • 使用振动
  • 唤醒锁定
  • 写入外部存储
  • 客服邮箱
  • 微博/微信合作QQ:2651009334
  • 网游玩家客服QQ:1214123632

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