Wedding Cake Maker - Cooking Factory

Wedding Cake Maker - Cooking Factory

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Wedding Cake Maker - Cooking Factory 介绍

Wedding Cake Maker - Cooking Factory

Play now the best game for everyone like you've never played before!Wedding is the best part of everyone's life! Cut the Wedding Cake on wedding day is also everyone's dream to celebrate their very important day. In this game you'll learn how to cook wedding cake in wedding cake maker factory.First, you need to mix the ingredient in big bowl then add sugar, fruits and flour into the mixture. Now let's put this mixture into the shapes, put this shapes into the oven to bake. After baking process now let's fill the yummy cream onto the cake.Cake will not look amazing without delicious toppings so now decorate the cake with the different toppings in Wedding Cake Maker Factory!Now pack the wedding cake and deliver it to the Shops and Shopping malls!Download now this Free Wedding Cake Maker Cooking factory game!!

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Wedding Cake Maker - Cooking Factory 版本更新

- Gameplay Improved

- Minor Bug Solved

- Performance Improved

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